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Sifter's Hut

The Sifter's Hut is where the Sifter will sift through dirt, gravel, sand, or soul sand to find loot. Doing this will make the block the Sifter is sifting disappear.

Sifted BlockChance for
DirtBeetroot seeds
DirtMelon seeds
DirtPumpkin seeds
DirtOak saplings
DirtSpruce saplings
DirtBirch saplings
DirtJungle saplings
DirtAcacia saplings
DirtDark oak saplings
DirtWheat seeds
GravelLapis lazuli
GravelGold ingots
GravelIron ingots
GravelIron nuggets
SandCocoa beans
SandGold nuggets
Soul SandBlaze powder
Soul SandGlowstone dust
Soul SandMagma cream
Soul SandNether wart
Soul SandQuartz
Soul SandHuman skulls

You can choose between four meshes. The higher the level of the mesh, the higher the likelihood that the Sifter will find loot.

Building LevelMesh Available

The Sifter's Hut can sift a certain amount of blocks per day:

Building LevelMaximum Blocks
164 blocks
2256 blocks
3576 blocks
41024 blocks


Main interface tab of the Sifter's Hut it's GUI

The first tab of the GUI is the main interface.

  • Header:
    • Building Name: Shows the name of the building, including the level of the building.
    • Pencil: Allows you to rename the building. The level of the building will always be listed after the name.
    • Assigned Workers: Tells you the workers assigned to this building.
  • Controls:
    • Manage Workers: Lets you change which workers are assigned to work at this hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode, in the Town Hall or in the hut itself, to manual, otherwise citizens will be hired automatically.
    • Recall Workers: Recalls the workers at this building to the building. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
    • Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
  • Request System:
    • Pickup Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
    • Request Pickup Now: You can click this button in order to tell any available Courier to come and pick up all the items from the building
  • Footer:
    • Info Button: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
    • Inventory: Here you can access the hut block's storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any Rack that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
    • Chest Icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut's storage (including the hut block's inventory and any racks that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item's count will highlight the storage container it's in.
Crafting recipes tab of the Sifter's Hut it's GUI

The second tab of the GUI is the crafting recipes.

Here you can see all the crafting recipes this building knows.

The arrows allow you to move them up or down in priority. You are also able to disable specific recipes.

  • Teach Recipe: When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut crafting recipes (not the worker).
Minimum stock tab of the Sifter's Hut it's GUI

The third tab of the GUI is the minimum stock.

Use this button to tell the Sifter's Hut to keep a minimum stock on hand. Set items will be displayed above the button.

Sifter's Hut

Sifter's Hut


Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Build Tool
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Cherry Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Bamboo Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Mangrove Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Oak Planks
Spruce Planks
Birch Planks
Jungle Planks
Acacia Planks
Dark Oak Planks
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block
Sifter Hut Block

Research:  No research is required for this building.

Worker: Sifter

Focus : Better quality items found Strength : Faster sifting

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