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Command System


These are the in-game commands currently available. Most require that a user have operator privileges to work and that a singleplayer world has cheats enabled.

Warning: These commands are not intended for normal gameplay use and should only be used when debugging. Some have the potential to delete your colony or break it!

Command Syntax

If you see this...Then...
plaintextEnter this exactly as shown
<angle brackets>This is a required argument
[square brackets]This is an optional argument
x - y - zPick one of these options (can be optional or required)

Base Commands

CommandPermissionsCommand Description
/mc backupOPMakes a backup of all colony data.
/mc helpALLLists the wiki and the Discord links in the chat.
/mc homeALLTeleports a colony owner back to the Town Hall of their colony.
/mc raid-All <now - tonight> <raid type>OPSchedules a raid for every colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type.
/mc resetsupplies <player>OPResets the ability to place a supply camp or ship.
/mc rtpALLRandomly teleports you. Will place you outside the range of someone else's colony.
/mc whereamiALLOutputs how far away the player is from a colony (if they are near one) or that there are no colonies nearby.
/mc whoamiALLOutputs your name, the name of your colony, your colony ID number, and the coordinates for the center of your colony.

Colony Commands

CommandPermissionsCommand Description
/mc colony addOfficer <colony ID> <player>ALLAdds an officer to a colony. For more information on officers, visit the Town Hall page and look at the Permissions section of the GUI.
/mc colony canSpawnRaiders <colony ID> <canSpawn>OPAdds or removes the ability to spawn raiders in a colony.
/mc colony claim <colony ID> [number of chunks] [true - false]OPClaims a specified number of chunks for a colony (or removes claimed chunks) based off the player's location.
/mc colony delete <colony ID> [true - false] [true - false]ALLDeletes a colony and optionally delete all buildings (as long as the hut block is still placed).
/mc colony info <colony ID>ALLShows some basic information about the colony specified (ID, name, mayor, citizens, coordinates, last contact with mayor, and if the colony can be deleted or not).
/mc colony list [page]ALLShows a list of all the colonies in this world and their ID, name, and coordinates.
/mc colony loadAllColoniesFromBackupOPLoads all colonies from a backup.
/mc colony loadBackup <colony ID>OPLoads an individual colony from a backup.
/mc colony raid <now - tonight> <colony ID> <raid type>OPSchedules a raid for the specified colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type.
/mc colony requestsystem-reset <colony ID>ALLRefreshes a specified colony's request system, making all workers resubmit requests.
/mc colony requestsystem-reset-allOPRefreshes all colonies' request systems, making all workers in all colonies resubmit requests.
/mc colony setAbandoned <colony ID>ALLSets a colony to abandoned and without a mayor.
/mc colony setDeletable <colony ID>OPSets whether a colony can be marked for auto-deletion or not.
/mc colony setowner <colony ID> <player>ALLChanges the owner of a colony
/mc colony teleport <colony ID>ALLTeleports the player to the specified colony.
CommandPermissionsCommand Description
/mc colony addOfficer <colony ID> <player>ALLAdds an officer to a colony. For more information on officers, visit the Town Hall page and look at the Permissions section of the GUI.
/mc colony canSpawnRaiders <colony ID> <canSpawn>OPAdds or removes the ability to spawn raiders in a colony.
/mc colony claim <colony ID> [number of chunks] [true - false]OPClaims a specified number of chunks for a colony (or removes claimed chunks) based off the player's location.
/mc colony delete <colony ID> [delete Buildings]ALLDeletes a colony and optionally delete all buildings (as long as the hut block is still placed).
/mc colony info <colony ID>ALLShows some basic information about the colony specified (ID, name, mayor, citizens, coordinates, last contact with mayor, and if the colony can be deleted or not).
/mc colony list [page]ALLShows a list of all the colonies in this world and their ID, name, and coordinates.
/mc colony loadAllColoniesFromBackupOPLoads all colonies from a backup.
/mc colony loadBackup <colony ID>OPLoads an individual colony from a backup.
/mc colony raid <now - tonight> <colony ID> <raid type>OPSchedules a raid for the specified colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type.
/mc colony requestsystem-reset <colony ID>ALLRefreshes a specified colony's request system, making all workers resubmit requests.
/mc colony requestsystem-reset-allOPRefreshes all colonies' request systems, making all workers in all colonies resubmit requests.
/mc colony setAbandoned <colony ID>ALLSets a colony to abandoned and without a mayor.
/mc colony setDeletable <colony ID>OPSets whether a colony can be marked for auto-deletion or not.
/mc colony setowner <colony ID> <player>ALLChanges the owner of a colony
/mc colony teleport <colony ID>ALLTeleports the player to the specified colony.

Citizens Commands

CommandPermissionsCommand Description
/mc citizens info <colony ID> <citizen ID>ALLGives basic information about a specified citizen in a colony such as their ID and name.
/mc citizens kill <colony ID> <citizen ID>ALLKills a specified citizen in a colony.
/mc citizens list <colony ID> [page]ALLLists all citizens in a colony with each citizen's ID and name (9 results per page).
/mc citizens reload <colony ID> <citizen ID>ALLReloads a specified citizen in a colony.
/mc citizens spawnNew <colony ID>ALLSpawns a new citizen in a colony.
/mc citizens teleport <colony ID> <citizen ID> <location>ALLTeleports a specified citizen to a given location.
/mc citizens walk <colony ID> <citizen ID> <location>ALLTells a specified citizen to walk to a given location.

Kill Commands

CommandPermissionsCommand Description
/mc kill raiderOPKills all raiders (barbarians, pirates, vikings, or egyptian raiders) inside all colonies.
/mc kill animalsOPKills all animals (peaceful mobs) inside all colonies.
/mc kill monsterOPKills all monsters (hostile mobs) inside all colonies.
/mc kill chickenOPKills all chickens inside all colonies.
/mc kill cowOPKills all cows inside all colonies.
/mc kill pigOPKills all pigs inside all colonies.
/mc kill sheepOPKills all sheep inside all colonies.

If changes are needed or you think there is content missing, feel free to edit this page or submit an issue for us to make edits. - MineColonies Wiki Team