Minecolonies Logo

Configuration File

The configuration files, commonly called the config files, are a way to change MineColonies settings. They are found within your Minecraft files:

Server Config: (Your Minecraft folder)/saves/(your world's name)/serverconfigs/minecolonies-server.toml

Client Config: (Your Minecraft folder)/config/minecolonies-client.toml

Common Config: (Your Minecraft folder)/config/minecolonies-common.toml

Client-Side Config

Gameplay Configuration

enablecitizenvoicestruetrue / falseCitizens will talk. Set to false to turn off citizens talking.
neighborbuildingrenderingtruetrue / falseBy default, when placing a schematic near other buildings, the already-placed buildings will show as if they were at level 5 and have a blue outline around them. You can disable that by setting this to false.
neighborbuidingrange4[-2 - 16]How close a building needs to be to another to be considered a neighbor, in blocks. -1 = intersecting, 0 = touching
buildgogglerange50[1 - 250]How close (in blocks) you need to be to see work orders while wearing the Build Goggles.
colonyteamborderstruetrue / falseWhen true, the colony borders shown when holding the build tool will be in the colony's team color. When false, the colony you're inside will be white and any other colony will be red.

Server-Side Config

Gameplay Configuration

All configuration items related to the core gameplay.

initialcitizenamount4[1 - 10]Amount of initial citizens.
allowinfinitesupplychestsfalsetrue / falseShould players be able to place an infinite amount of supply camps/ships?
allowinfinitecoloniesfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? Note: This is buggy!
allowotherdimcoloniestruetrue / falseShould colonies in other dimensions be allowed?
maxcitizenpercolony250[100 - 500]Max citizens in one colony.
enableindevelopmentfeaturesfalsetrue / falseShould development features be enabled (might be buggy)?
alwaysrendernametagtruetrue / falseShould citizen name tags be rendered?
workersalwaysworkinrainfalsetrue / falseShould workers work during the rain?
holidayfeaturestruetrue / falseShould special holiday content be displayed?
luckyblockchance1[0 - 100]Chance for the Miner to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".)
minthleveltoteleport3[0 - 5]The minimum level a Town Hall has to be to allow teleportation to allied colonies.
foodmodifier1[0.1 - 100]Food consumption modifier.
diseasemodifier5[1 - 100]How common diseases are. 1 = Very common, 100 = extremely rare.
forceloadcolonytruetrue / falseIf part of the colony is loaded by an owner/officer, should the colony be kept loaded? (Set how many chunks are loaded with the "Colony Chunk Loading Strictness" option.)
loadtime10[1 - 1440]Set how long chunks stay loaded after player leaves, does not persist through restarts.
colonyloadstrictness3[1 - 15]This controls how many chunks are loaded with the "Chunk Load Colony" option. The higher this value, the fewer chunks will be loaded. (The innermost chunks will be loaded first.) 1 = load all claimed chunks.
maxtreesize400[1 - 1000]Max log count in one tree for the Forester to check during their tree search.
nosupplyplacementrestrictionsfalsetrue / falseDisables supply camp placing restrictions, intended for skyworlds and similar.
skyraidersfalsetrue / falseRaiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled.

Research Configuration

All configurations related to the research system.

researchcreativecompletiontruetrue / falseAllows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates.
researchdebuglogfalsetrue / falseSignificantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load.
researchresetcost[minecolonies:ancienttome:1]List of items + amountsA list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research.

Commands Configuration

All configurations related to the MineColonies commands.

canplayerusertpcommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc rtp command?
canplayerusecolonytpcommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc colony teleport command?
canplayeruseallytownhallteleporttruetrue / falseCan players teleport to allied colonies?
canplayerusehometpcommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc home command? Note: Only owners of the colony can use this command.
canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommandtruetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc colony info command?
canplayerusekillcitizenscommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc citizens kill command?
canplayeruseaddofficercommandtruetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc colony addOfficer command?
canplayerusedeletecolonycommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc colony delete command?
canplayeruseresetcommandfalsetrue / falseShould players be allowed to use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command?

Claims Configuration

All configuration related to colony claims.

maxColonySize20[1 - 250]Maximum claim range for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks.
minColonyDistance8[1 - 250]The minimum distance (in chunks) between colonies.
initialColonySize4[1 - 250]Initial claim size for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks.
maxdistancefromworldspawn30000[1000 - ∞]Maximum distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony.
mindistancefromworldspawn0[0 - 1000]Minimum distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony.

Combat Configuration

All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies.

dobarbariansspawntruetrue / falseShould barbarian raids occur?
barbarianhordedifficulty5[0 - 10]Difficulty modifier for barbarian raids.
maxBarbarianSize80[6 - 400]The maximum amount of barbarians a raid can contain.
dobarbariansbreakthroughwallstruetrue / falseShould barbarians destroy blocks to get into the colony?
averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids14[1 - 50]The average number of nights between raids.
minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids10[1 - 30]The minimum number of nights between raids.
mobattackcitizenstruetrue / falseShould mobs attack citizens?
shouldraiderbreakdoorstruetrue / falseShould barbarians destroy doors to get into buildings?
guardDamageMultiplier1[0.1 - 15]Damage multiplier for all guards.
guardhealthmult1[0.1 - 5]Health multiplier for all guards.
pvp_modefalsetrue / falseTurn on MineColonies PVP mode (colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions).

Permissions Configuration

All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies.

enablecolonyprotectiontruetrue / falseShould colony protection be enabled?
turnoffexplosionsincoloniesDAMAGE_ENTITIESSee exampleIndependent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off inside colonies? DAMAGE_NOTHING prevents explosions completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendly mobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks.
freetointeractblocks[minecraft:dirt, 0,0,0]A list of blocks or positions written as "x y z"Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (ex: vending machines)

Mod Compatibility Configuration

All configuration related to mod compatibility.

configliststudyitemsSee exampleA list of items + chance to improve skill + chance to breakItems consumed by citizens in the Library.
configlistrecruitmentitemsSee exampleA list of items + amountItems requested by Tavern visitors.
luckyoresSee exampleA list of items + rarityList of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). Includes the block and its chance, separated by exclamation marks.
diseasesSee exampleA list of disease name, rarity and items to cureAll diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it.
auditcraftingtagsfalsetrue / falseWhen loading recipes, generate audit CSV files to help debug datapacks or extra mods.
debuginventoriesfalsetrue / falseEnable inventory debugging.
blueprintbuildmodefalsetrue / falseTurn this on if you're using this world for blueprint building and scanning.

Pathfinding Configuration

All configurations related to pathfinding.

pathfindingdebugverbosity0[0 - 10]Verbosity of pathfinding debug messages.
minimumrailstopath8[5 - 100]Minimum number of consecutive rails for citizens to use them.
pathfindingmaxthreadcount2[1 - 10]Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding.

Request System Configuration

All configurations related to the request system.

creativeresolvefalsetrue / falseShould the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request? This is a debugging tool and can take a very long time to resolve a request.

Example config file


#All configuration items related to the core gameplay
	#minecolonies.config.enablecitizenvoices.comment [Default: true]
	enablecitizenvoices = false
	#By default, when placing a schematic near other buildings, the already-placed buildings will show as if they were at level 5 and have a blue outline around them. You can disable that by setting this to false. [Default: true]
	neighborbuildingrendering = true
	#How close a building needs to be to another to be considered a neighbor, in blocks. -1 = intersecting, 0 = touching [Default: 4, min: -2, max: 16]
	#Range: -2 ~ 16
	neighborbuildingrange = 4
	#How close (in blocks) you need to be to see work orders while wearing the Build Goggles. [Default: 50, min: 1, max: 250]
	#Range: 1 ~ 250
	buildgogglerange = 50
	#When true, the colony borders shown when holding the build tool will be in the colony's team color. When false, the colony you're inside will be white and any other colony will be red. [Default: true]
	colonyteamborders = true


#All configuration items related to the core gameplay
	#Amount of initial citizens. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 10]
	#Range: 1 ~ 10
	initialcitizenamount = 4
	#Should players be able to place an infinite amount of supply camps/ships? [Default: false]
	allowinfinitesupplychests = false
	#Should players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? Note: This is buggy! [Default: false]
	allowinfinitecolonies = false
	#Should colonies in other dimensions be allowed? [Default: true]
	allowotherdimcolonies = true
	#Max citizens in one colony. [Default: 250, min: 100, max: 500]
	#Range: 100 ~ 500
	maxcitizenpercolony = 250
	#Should development features be enabled (might be buggy)? [Default: false]
	enableindevelopmentfeatures = false
	#Should citizen name tags be rendered? [Default: true]
	alwaysrendernametag = true
	#Should workers work during the rain? [Default: false]
	workersalwaysworkinrain = false
	#Should special holiday content be displayed? [Default: true]
	holidayfeatures = true
	#Chance for the Miner to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".) [Default: 1, min: 0, max: 100]
	#Range: 0 ~ 100
	luckyblockchance = 1
	#The minimum level a Town Hall has to be to allow teleportation to allied colonies. [Default: 3, min: 0, max: 5]
	#Range: 0 ~ 5
	minthleveltoteleport = 3
	#Food consumption modifier. [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 100,000000]
	#Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0
	foodmodifier = 1.0
	#How common diseases are. 1 = Very common, 100 = extremely rare. [Default: 5, min: 1, max: 100]
	#Range: 1 ~ 100
	diseasemodifier = 5
	#If part of the colony is loaded by an owner/officer, should the colony be kept loaded? (Set how many chunks are loaded with the "Colony Chunk Loading Strictness" option.) [Default: true]
	forceloadcolony = true
	#Set how long chunks stay loaded after player leaves, does not persist through restarts. Default: 10min [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 1440]
	#Range: 1 ~ 1440
	loadtime = 10
	#This controls how many chunks are loaded with the "Chunk Load Colony" option. The higher this value, the fewer chunks will be loaded. (The innermost chunks will be loaded first.) 1 = load all claimed chunks. [Default: 3, min: 1, max: 15]
	#Range: 1 ~ 15
	colonyloadstrictness = 3
	#Max log count in one tree for the Forester to check during their tree search. [Default: 400, min: 1, max: 1000]
	#Range: 1 ~ 1000
	maxtreesize = 400
	#Disables supply camp placing restrictions, intended for skyworlds and similar [Default: false]
	nosupplyplacementrestrictions = false
	#Raiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled [Default: false]
	skyraiders = false

#All configurations related to the research system
	#Allows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates. [Default: true]
	researchcreativecompletion = true
	#Significantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load. [Default: false]
	researchdebuglog = false
	#A list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research. 
	researchresetcost = ["minecolonies:ancienttome:1"]

#All configurations related to the MineColonies commands
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc rtp command? [Default: false]
	canplayerusertpcommand = false
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony teleport command? [Default: false]
	canplayerusecolonytpcommand = false
	#Can players teleport to allied colonies? [Default: true]
	canplayeruseallytownhallteleport = true
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc home command? Note: Only owners of the colony can use this command. [Default: false]
	canplayerusehometpcommand = false
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony info command? [Default: true]
	canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommand = true
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc citizens kill command? [Default: false]
	canplayerusekillcitizenscommand = false
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony addOfficer command? [Default: true]
	canplayeruseaddofficercommand = true
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony delete command? [Default: false]
	canplayerusedeletecolonycommand = false
	#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command? [Default: false]
	canplayeruseresetcommand = false

#All configuration related to colony claims
	#Maximum claim range for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 20, min: 1, max: 250]
	#Range: 1 ~ 250
	maxColonySize = 20
	#The minimum distance (in chunks) between colonies. [Default: 8, min: 1, max: 200]
	#Range: 1 ~ 200
	minColonyDistance = 8
	#Initial claim size for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 15]
	#Range: 1 ~ 15
	initialColonySize = 4
	#Max distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 30000, min: 1000, max: 2147483647]
	#Range: > 1000
	maxdistancefromworldspawn = 30000
	#Min distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 1000]
	#Range: 0 ~ 1000
	mindistancefromworldspawn = 0

#All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies
	#minecolonies.config.dobarbariansspawn.comment [Default: true]
	dobarbariansspawn = true
	#minecolonies.config.barbarianhordedifficulty.comment [Default: 5, min: 0, max: 10]
	#Range: 0 ~ 10
	barbarianhordedifficulty = 5
	#minecolonies.config.maxbarbariansize.comment [Default: 80, min: 6, max: 400]
	#Range: 6 ~ 400
	maxBarbarianSize = 80
	#minecolonies.config.dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls.comment [Default: true]
	dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls = true
	#The average number of nights between raids. [Default: 14, min: 1, max: 50]
	#Range: 1 ~ 50
	averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids = 14
	#The minimum number of nights between raids. [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 30]
	#Range: 1 ~ 30
	minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids = 10
	#Should mobs attack citizens? [Default: true]
	mobattackcitizens = true
	#minecolonies.config.shouldraiderbreakdoors.comment [Default: true]
	shouldraiderbreakdoors = true
	#minecolonies.config.guarddamagemultiplier.comment [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 15,000000]
	#Range: 0.1 ~ 15.0
	guardDamageMultiplier = 1.0
	#Health multiplier for all Guards. [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 5,000000]
	#Range: 0.1 ~ 5.0
	guardhealthmult = 1.0
	#Turn on MineColonies PVP mode (colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions). [Default: false]
	pvp_mode = false

#All permission configuration options
	#Should colony protection be enabled? [Default: true]
	enablecolonyprotection = true
	#Independent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off inside colonies? DAMAGE_NOTHING prevents explosions completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendly mobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks. 
	turnoffexplosionsincolonies = "DAMAGE_ENTITIES"
	#Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (ex: vending machines) 
	freetointeractblocks = ["dirt", "0 0 0"]

#All configuration related to mod compatibility
	#Items consumed by citizens in the Library. 
	configliststudyitems = ["minecraft:paper;400;100", "minecraft:book;600;10"]
	#Items requested by Tavern visitors. 
	configlistrecruitmentitems = ["minecraft:hay_block;3", "minecraft:book;2", "minecraft:enchanted_book;9", "minecraft:diamond;9", "minecraft:emerald;8", "minecraft:baked_potato;1", "minecraft:gold_ingot;2", "minecraft:redstone;2", "minecraft:lapis_lazuli;2", "minecraft:cake;11", "minecraft:sunflower;5", "minecraft:honeycomb;6", "minecraft:quartz;3"]
	#List of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). Includes the block and its chance, separated by exclamation marks. 
	luckyores = ["minecraft:coal_ore!64", "minecraft:copper_ore!48", "minecraft:iron_ore!32", "minecraft:gold_ore!16", "minecraft:redstone_ore!8", "minecraft:lapis_ore!4", "minecraft:diamond_ore!2", "minecraft:emerald_ore!1"]
	#All diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it. 
	diseases = ["Influenza,100,minecraft:carrot,minecraft:potato", "Measles,10,minecraft:dandelion,minecraft:kelp,minecraft:poppy", "Smallpox,1,minecraft:honey_bottle,minecraft:golden_apple"]
	#When loading recipes, generate audit CSV files to help debug datapacks or extra mods. [Default: false]
	auditcraftingtags = false
	#Enable inventory debugging. [Default: false]
	debuginventories = false
	#Turn this on if you're using this world for blueprint building and scanning. [Default: false]
	blueprintbuildmode = false

#All configurations related to pathfinding
	#Verbosity of pathfinding debug messages. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 10]
	#Range: 0 ~ 10
	pathfindingdebugverbosity = 0
	#Minimum number of consecutive rails for citizens to use them. [Default: 8, min: 5, max: 100]
	#Range: 5 ~ 100
	minimumrailstopath = 8
	#Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. [Default: 2, min: 1, max: 10]
	#Range: 1 ~ 10
	pathfindingmaxthreadcount = 2

#All configurations related to the request system
	#Should the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request? This is a debugging tool and can take a very long time to resolve a request. [Default: false]
	creativeresolve = false

Client-Side Config

Gameplay Configuration

enablecitizenvoicestrueCitizens will talk. Set to false to turn off citizens talking.
neighborbuildingrenderingtrueBy default, when placing a schematic near other buildings, the already-placed buildings will show as if they were at level 5 and have a blue outline around them. You can disable that by setting this to false.
colonyteamborderstrueThe colony border will be the same as the colony's team color (set in the Town Hall ). Setting this to false will set your town border to white, and all other town borders to red.

Server-Side Config

Name Configuration

usemiddleinitialtrueIf this is set to false, citizen names won't have a middle initial. For example, "John Smith" instead of "John D. Smith".
useeasternnameorderfalseIf this is set to true, citizen names will have the last name first. For example, "SmithJohn" instead of "John D. Smith" (it's recommended that if you enable this, also change the actual names to Eastern ones).
malefirstnames<br>femalefirstnames<br>lastnames(various)Lists of names to be used for colonists. Comes pre-filled with English ones, but you can change it to whatever you like. We have some templates here.

Gameplay Configuration

initialcitizenamount4The number of citizens you get when you first start your colony. If the number of your citizens ever goes below this, more citizens will spawn until it's at this number again.
builderplaceconstructiontapetrueIf this is set to false, no construction tape will be placed around buildings being built or upgraded.
allowinfinitesupplychestsfalseBy default, players can only place one (crafted) supply camp/ship. (However, supply camps/ships found in loot chests can be placed infinitely.) With this enabled, players can place an infinite number of crafted supply ships/camps.
allowinfinitecoloniesfalseAllows players to abandon their colony to start a new one. Note: This is buggy!
allowotherdimcoloniestrueThis allows you to create colonies in the Nether, the End, and modded dimensions.
citizenrespawninterval60Changes the amount of time (ticks) before a new citizen spawns. This only applies when a colony is under the initial citizen number, however.
maxcitizenpercolony250The maximum limit of citizens that can exist in each colony. If you're below this limit and you can't get more citizens, you probably need to complete the research in the University .
builderbuildblockdelay15The delay (ticks) for placing blocks. Applies to Builders, Miners, and other colonists that place blocks.
blockminingdelaymodifier500The delay (ticks) for breaking blocks. Applies to Builders, Miners, and other colonists that mine blocks.
enableindevelopmentfeaturesfalseEnables some features geared toward developers.
alwaysrendernametagtrueIf disabled, citizen names will only show in the citizen GUI and not above their head.
workersalwaysworkinrainfalseWorkers won't normally work if it's raining. Enabling this option or completing the Rainman research causes them to continue working in rain.
sendenteringleavingmessagestruePlayers entering or leaving a colony where they don't have the Receive Messages permission in, players will be send a message notifying them that they have entered/left the colony. Players that do have the Receive Messages permission in that colony will also be informed of this. If you disable this config option, neither type of player will get that message. This applies to all colonies.
allowglobalnamechanges1Sets if players can rename citizens with name tags. To set which players can change the names, see "Special Permissions Group" below.
holidayfeaturestrueCitizens get some special looks around holidays. Turn off this option to disable that.
updaterate1Basically, how fast citizens think. Increasing it decreases how fast they "think", but improves performance. If you increase it too much, your citizens will take hours to do anything!
dirtfromcompost1How many dirt blocks the Composter can get from filling one Compost Barrel .
luckyblockchance1The Miner has a chance to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). Change this to change their chance. This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".)
restrictbuilderundergroundtrueBy default, the Builder works slower when building underground. Disable this to make them work at the same rate both above and belowground. This can be useful for underground colonies.
minthleveltoteleport3By default, you can teleport to allied colonies from your Town Hall . However, it requires a certain Town Hall level or higher (default 3). Here, you can change level.
suggestbuildtoolplacementtrueBy default, when trying to place a hut without the Build Tool , a window will pop up suggesting you use it. Disabling this option will disable that window.
foodmodifier1.0The multiplier for when citizens eat food. Increasing this makes the citizens require more food.
diseasemodifier5How common diseases are. Increasing this makes citizens get sick less often.
forceloadcolonyfalseIf an owner/officer is inside the colony and this is enabled, some of the rest of the colony chunks will be kept loaded. Useful for large colonies. Set how many chunks are loaded with the below option.
colonyloadstrictness3Only takes effect if the above option is enabled. Set this higher to decrease the number of loaded chunks (the innermost chunks will be loaded first). Set to 1 to load all chunks.
badvisitorchance2Sometimes, a Tavern visitor will run off with the resources you give them instead of joining your colony. This option sets the percentage chance for them to do that.
generatesupplyloottrueBy default, Supply camp and ship will generate in loot chests. You can disable that by setting this to false.
maxtreesize400The maximum logs in one tree for the Forester's Hut to detect it as a tree.
nosupplyplacementrestrictionsfalseDisables supply camp placing restrictions. This is intended for skyworlds and similar worldgen.
skyraidersfalseRaiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled. This is intended for skyworlds and similar worldgen.

Research System Configuration

researchcreativecompletiontrueAllows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates.
researchdebuglogfalseIf true, this significantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load.
researchresetcost Ancient Tome A list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research

Command Configuration

canplayerusertpcommandfalseSets whether players can use the /mc rtp command.
canplayerusecolonytpcommandfalseSets whether players can use the /mc colony teleport command.
canplayeruseallytownhallteleporttrueBy default, players can teleport from their Town Hall to an allied colony. Turn off this option to disable that.
canplayerusehometpcommandfalseSets whether players can use the /mc home command. However, even with this enabled, only owners of the colony can use this command, as you can be an officer in multiple colonies.
canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommandtrueSets whether players can use the /mc colony info command.
canplayerusekillcitizenscommandfalseSets whether players can use the /mc citizens kill command.
canplayeruseaddofficercommandtrueSets whether players can use the /mc colony addOfficer command.
canplayerusedeletecolonycommandtrueSets whether players can use the /mc colony delete command.
numberofattemptsforsafetp4when using /mc rtp, MineColonies will try several locations to see if they're safe and not within a colony before teleporting you. This sets the number of locations it will try.

Claims Configuration

maxColonySize20The max number of chunks that can be within a colony's border.
minColonyDistance8The minimum distance between two Town Halls, measured in chunks.
initialColonySize4The number of chunks (in radius) claimed when starting a new colony.
restrictcolonyplacementfalseShould the min/max distance from spawn also affect colony placement? Enabling this sets whether the below two options have any effect.
maxdistancefromworldspawn8000Sets the maximum distance (in blocks) from spawn a colony can be started at. Only takes effect if the previous option is set to true.
mindistancefromworldspawn512Sets the minimum distance (in blocks) from spawn a colony can be started at. Only takes effect if "Should the min/max distance from spawn also affect colony placement?" is set to true.
officersreceiveadvancementstrueSets if officers of a colony will receive advancements for things done in that colony. Disabling this means that only the colony owner will receive advancements.

Combat Configuration

dobarbariansspawntrueDisable this setting to turn off raids.
barbarianhordedifficulty5The difficulty setting for raiders. The higher the number, the higher the difficulty.
spawnbarbariansize5The minimum size (percentage) of a raider horde. By default, this is 5 (or 50%). If the game decides to spawn 10 raiders, by default only 5 will spawn.
maxBarbarianSize80The maximum total size of a raider horde.
dobarbariansbreakthroughwallstrueWhether or not raiders can break, scale, and bridge obstacles.
averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids14The average number of nights between raids.
minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids10The minimum number of nights between raids.
mobattackcitizenstrueBy default mobs will attack citizens.
shouldraiderbreakdoorstrueWhether or not raiders can break through doors.
citizencallforhelptrueBy default, citizens will call for nearby guards if attacked
rangerdamagemult1.0Attack damage multiplier for Archer .
knightdamagemult1.0Attack damage multiplier for Knight .
guardhealthmult1.0Health multiplier for all Guards.
pvp_modefalseEnabling this option turns on MineColonies PvP mode. Colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions, which can be set in the Enemies permission settings in the Town Hall. Note: PvP mode has not been fleshed out yet.
daysuntilpirateshipsdespawn3Days until the pirate ships despawn
maxyforbarbarians200Max Y level (height) for raiders to spawn.

Permission Configuration

enablecolonyprotectiontrueBy default, colony protection is on. This enables the Permission system in the Town Hall.
maxkeptbackups50Sets the maximum amount of backups kept.
turnoffexplosionsincolonies"DAMAGE_ENTITIES"By default, explosions within colony borders only affect players & citizens, not blocks. This can be changed to nothing, players, or everything.
specialpermgroup["Raycoms"]Players who have special permissions to change citizen names (see "Name Changes" above).
freetointeractblocks["dirt", "0 0 0"]Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony. You can list a type of block or specific locations.
secondsBetweenPermissionMessages30Seconds between each permission message.

Mod Compatibility Configuration

enabledmodtags(various)List of recognized and enabled tags.
configliststudyitemsPaper, bookItems consumed by citizens in the Library. The first value is item name, the second value is skillchance (between 100 and 1000), and the third value is breakchance (between 100 and 0).
configlistrecruitmentitems(various)Items requested by Tavern visitors. The first value is the item, the second value is the quantity.
luckyores(various)List of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). The first value is the block and the second value its chance.
enchanterexperiencemultiplier2.0Experience multiplier of the enchanter (how much more experience do they get from a citizen than they drain).
dynamictreeharvestsize5Forester harvest trunk size for dynamic trees
fishingroddurabilityadjustt26Offset for the maximum durability unenchanted rod a T2 Fishing Hut can use, compared to iron tools (250). Thermal Foundation Iron requires +6. T3 huts can use unenchanted rods of any durability level, so long as they can take damage at all. Anything below -250 will only allow vanilla rods, except as allowed by T1.
fishingroddurabilityadjustt122Offset for the maximum durability unenchanted rod a T1 Fishing Hut can use, compared to other wooden tools (59). Vanilla rods always work, but equivalents would need +6. Default value allows up to Thermal Foundation Silver Anything below -59 will only allow vanilla rods.
diseases(various)All diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it.
debuginventoriesfalseEnable inventory debugging.
auditcraftingtagsfalseGenerate crafting_audit.csv on loading recipes to verify tags.

Pathfinding Configuration

pathfindingdebugverbosity0Increasing this value makes longer pathfinding debug messages.
minimumrailstopath8The minimum number of consecutive rails to be detected as a path for a citizen to use.
pathfindingmaxthreadcount2Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. Affects performance.

Request System Configuration

enabledebugloggingfalseEnabling this setting puts request system debug information in the debug.log
maximalretries3The maximum amount of tries that the request system will perform for retryable requests. Increasing this number increases server load.
delaybetweenretries1200The amount of ticks between retries of the request system for retryable requests. Decreasing this number increases server load.
creativeresolvefalseEnable only when debugging. The request system will creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request.
canplayeruseresetcommandfalseSets whether players can use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command.

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