Client-Side Config
Gameplay Configuration
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
enablecitizenvoices | true | true / false | Citizens will talk. Set to false to turn off citizens talking. |
neighborbuildingrendering | true | true / false | By default, when placing a schematic near other buildings, the already-placed buildings will show as if they were at level 5 and have a blue outline around them. You can disable that by setting this to false. |
neighborbuidingrange | 4 | [-2 - 16] | How close a building needs to be to another to be considered a neighbor, in blocks. -1 = intersecting, 0 = touching |
buildgogglerange | 50 | [1 - 250] | How close (in blocks) you need to be to see work orders while wearing the Build Goggles. |
colonyteamborders | true | true / false | When true, the colony borders shown when holding the build tool will be in the colony's team color. When false, the colony you're inside will be white and any other colony will be red. |
Server-Side Config
Gameplay Configuration
All configuration items related to the core gameplay.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
initialcitizenamount | 4 | [1 - 10] | Amount of initial citizens. |
allowinfinitesupplychests | false | true / false | Should players be able to place an infinite amount of supply camps/ships? |
allowinfinitecolonies | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? Note: This is buggy! |
allowotherdimcolonies | true | true / false | Should colonies in other dimensions be allowed? |
maxcitizenpercolony | 250 | [100 - 500] | Max citizens in one colony. |
enableindevelopmentfeatures | false | true / false | Should development features be enabled (might be buggy)? |
alwaysrendernametag | true | true / false | Should citizen name tags be rendered? |
workersalwaysworkinrain | false | true / false | Should workers work during the rain? |
holidayfeatures | true | true / false | Should special holiday content be displayed? |
luckyblockchance | 1 | [0 - 100] | Chance for the Miner to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".) |
minthleveltoteleport | 3 | [0 - 5] | The minimum level a Town Hall has to be to allow teleportation to allied colonies. |
foodmodifier | 1 | [0.1 - 100] | Food consumption modifier. |
diseasemodifier | 5 | [1 - 100] | How common diseases are. 1 = Very common, 100 = extremely rare. |
forceloadcolony | true | true / false | If part of the colony is loaded by an owner/officer, should the colony be kept loaded? (Set how many chunks are loaded with the "Colony Chunk Loading Strictness" option.) |
loadtime | 10 | [1 - 1440] | Set how long chunks stay loaded after player leaves, does not persist through restarts. |
colonyloadstrictness | 3 | [1 - 15] | This controls how many chunks are loaded with the "Chunk Load Colony" option. The higher this value, the fewer chunks will be loaded. (The innermost chunks will be loaded first.) 1 = load all claimed chunks. |
maxtreesize | 400 | [1 - 1000] | Max log count in one tree for the Forester to check during their tree search. |
nosupplyplacementrestrictions | false | true / false | Disables supply camp placing restrictions, intended for skyworlds and similar. |
skyraiders | false | true / false | Raiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled. |
Research Configuration
All configurations related to the research system.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
researchcreativecompletion | true | true / false | Allows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates. |
researchdebuglog | false | true / false | Significantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load. |
researchresetcost | [minecolonies:ancienttome:1] | List of items + amounts | A list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research. |
Commands Configuration
All configurations related to the MineColonies commands.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
canplayerusertpcommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc rtp command? |
canplayerusecolonytpcommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony teleport command? |
canplayeruseallytownhallteleport | true | true / false | Can players teleport to allied colonies? |
canplayerusehometpcommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc home command? Note: Only owners of the colony can use this command. |
canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommand | true | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony info command? |
canplayerusekillcitizenscommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc citizens kill command? |
canplayeruseaddofficercommand | true | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony addOfficer command? |
canplayerusedeletecolonycommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony delete command? |
canplayeruseresetcommand | false | true / false | Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command? |
Claims Configuration
All configuration related to colony claims.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
maxColonySize | 20 | [1 - 250] | Maximum claim range for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. |
minColonyDistance | 8 | [1 - 250] | The minimum distance (in chunks) between colonies. |
initialColonySize | 4 | [1 - 250] | Initial claim size for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. |
maxdistancefromworldspawn | 30000 | [1000 - ∞] | Maximum distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. |
mindistancefromworldspawn | 0 | [0 - 1000] | Minimum distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. |
Combat Configuration
All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
dobarbariansspawn | true | true / false | Should barbarian raids occur? |
barbarianhordedifficulty | 5 | [0 - 10] | Difficulty modifier for barbarian raids. |
maxBarbarianSize | 80 | [6 - 400] | The maximum amount of barbarians a raid can contain. |
dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls | true | true / false | Should barbarians destroy blocks to get into the colony? |
averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids | 14 | [1 - 50] | The average number of nights between raids. |
minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids | 10 | [1 - 30] | The minimum number of nights between raids. |
mobattackcitizens | true | true / false | Should mobs attack citizens? |
shouldraiderbreakdoors | true | true / false | Should barbarians destroy doors to get into buildings? |
guardDamageMultiplier | 1 | [0.1 - 15] | Damage multiplier for all guards. |
guardhealthmult | 1 | [0.1 - 5] | Health multiplier for all guards. |
pvp_mode | false | true / false | Turn on MineColonies PVP mode (colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions). |
Permissions Configuration
All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
enablecolonyprotection | true | true / false | Should colony protection be enabled? |
turnoffexplosionsincolonies | DAMAGE_ENTITIES | See example | Independent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off inside colonies? DAMAGE_NOTHING prevents explosions completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendly mobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks. |
freetointeractblocks | [minecraft:dirt, 0,0,0] | A list of blocks or positions written as "x y z" | Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (ex: vending machines) |
Mod Compatibility Configuration
All configuration related to mod compatibility.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
configliststudyitems | See example | A list of items + chance to improve skill + chance to break | Items consumed by citizens in the Library. |
configlistrecruitmentitems | See example | A list of items + amount | Items requested by Tavern visitors. |
luckyores | See example | A list of items + rarity | List of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). Includes the block and its chance, separated by exclamation marks. |
diseases | See example | A list of disease name, rarity and items to cure | All diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it. |
auditcraftingtags | false | true / false | When loading recipes, generate audit CSV files to help debug datapacks or extra mods. |
debuginventories | false | true / false | Enable inventory debugging. |
blueprintbuildmode | false | true / false | Turn this on if you're using this world for blueprint building and scanning. |
Pathfinding Configuration
All configurations related to pathfinding.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
pathfindingdebugverbosity | 0 | [0 - 10] | Verbosity of pathfinding debug messages. |
minimumrailstopath | 8 | [5 - 100] | Minimum number of consecutive rails for citizens to use them. |
pathfindingmaxthreadcount | 2 | [1 - 10] | Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. |
Request System Configuration
All configurations related to the request system.
Setting | Default | Values | Description |
creativeresolve | false | true / false | Should the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request? This is a debugging tool and can take a very long time to resolve a request. |
Example config file
#All configuration items related to the core gameplay
#minecolonies.config.enablecitizenvoices.comment [Default: true]
enablecitizenvoices = false
#By default, when placing a schematic near other buildings, the already-placed buildings will show as if they were at level 5 and have a blue outline around them. You can disable that by setting this to false. [Default: true]
neighborbuildingrendering = true
#How close a building needs to be to another to be considered a neighbor, in blocks. -1 = intersecting, 0 = touching [Default: 4, min: -2, max: 16]
#Range: -2 ~ 16
neighborbuildingrange = 4
#How close (in blocks) you need to be to see work orders while wearing the Build Goggles. [Default: 50, min: 1, max: 250]
#Range: 1 ~ 250
buildgogglerange = 50
#When true, the colony borders shown when holding the build tool will be in the colony's team color. When false, the colony you're inside will be white and any other colony will be red. [Default: true]
colonyteamborders = true
#All configuration items related to the core gameplay
#Amount of initial citizens. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 10]
#Range: 1 ~ 10
initialcitizenamount = 4
#Should players be able to place an infinite amount of supply camps/ships? [Default: false]
allowinfinitesupplychests = false
#Should players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? Note: This is buggy! [Default: false]
allowinfinitecolonies = false
#Should colonies in other dimensions be allowed? [Default: true]
allowotherdimcolonies = true
#Max citizens in one colony. [Default: 250, min: 100, max: 500]
#Range: 100 ~ 500
maxcitizenpercolony = 250
#Should development features be enabled (might be buggy)? [Default: false]
enableindevelopmentfeatures = false
#Should citizen name tags be rendered? [Default: true]
alwaysrendernametag = true
#Should workers work during the rain? [Default: false]
workersalwaysworkinrain = false
#Should special holiday content be displayed? [Default: true]
holidayfeatures = true
#Chance for the Miner to get an ore when mining cobblestone or stone (by default, can be expanded with datapacks to other materials). This is a percentage. (To change which ores the Miner can find, see "List of Lucky Ores".) [Default: 1, min: 0, max: 100]
#Range: 0 ~ 100
luckyblockchance = 1
#The minimum level a Town Hall has to be to allow teleportation to allied colonies. [Default: 3, min: 0, max: 5]
#Range: 0 ~ 5
minthleveltoteleport = 3
#Food consumption modifier. [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 100,000000]
#Range: 0.1 ~ 100.0
foodmodifier = 1.0
#How common diseases are. 1 = Very common, 100 = extremely rare. [Default: 5, min: 1, max: 100]
#Range: 1 ~ 100
diseasemodifier = 5
#If part of the colony is loaded by an owner/officer, should the colony be kept loaded? (Set how many chunks are loaded with the "Colony Chunk Loading Strictness" option.) [Default: true]
forceloadcolony = true
#Set how long chunks stay loaded after player leaves, does not persist through restarts. Default: 10min [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 1440]
#Range: 1 ~ 1440
loadtime = 10
#This controls how many chunks are loaded with the "Chunk Load Colony" option. The higher this value, the fewer chunks will be loaded. (The innermost chunks will be loaded first.) 1 = load all claimed chunks. [Default: 3, min: 1, max: 15]
#Range: 1 ~ 15
colonyloadstrictness = 3
#Max log count in one tree for the Forester to check during their tree search. [Default: 400, min: 1, max: 1000]
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
maxtreesize = 400
#Disables supply camp placing restrictions, intended for skyworlds and similar [Default: false]
nosupplyplacementrestrictions = false
#Raiders will spawn in the sky if this is enabled [Default: false]
skyraiders = false
#All configurations related to the research system
#Allows automatic and (near) instant completion of research for players in creative mode. If false, creative players will still be able to begin researches, but will have normal progress rates. [Default: true]
researchcreativecompletion = true
#Significantly increases the amount of information related to research datapacks that is logged during the world load. [Default: false]
researchdebuglog = false
#A list of items to charge players when undoing an already-completed research.
researchresetcost = ["minecolonies:ancienttome:1"]
#All configurations related to the MineColonies commands
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc rtp command? [Default: false]
canplayerusertpcommand = false
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony teleport command? [Default: false]
canplayerusecolonytpcommand = false
#Can players teleport to allied colonies? [Default: true]
canplayeruseallytownhallteleport = true
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc home command? Note: Only owners of the colony can use this command. [Default: false]
canplayerusehometpcommand = false
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony info command? [Default: true]
canplayeruseshowcolonyinfocommand = true
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc citizens kill command? [Default: false]
canplayerusekillcitizenscommand = false
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony addOfficer command? [Default: true]
canplayeruseaddofficercommand = true
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony delete command? [Default: false]
canplayerusedeletecolonycommand = false
#Should players be allowed to use the /mc colony requestsystem-reset command? [Default: false]
canplayeruseresetcommand = false
#All configuration related to colony claims
#Maximum claim range for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 20, min: 1, max: 250]
#Range: 1 ~ 250
maxColonySize = 20
#The minimum distance (in chunks) between colonies. [Default: 8, min: 1, max: 200]
#Range: 1 ~ 200
minColonyDistance = 8
#Initial claim size for a colony. This is the radius, measured in chunks. [Default: 4, min: 1, max: 15]
#Range: 1 ~ 15
initialColonySize = 4
#Max distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 30000, min: 1000, max: 2147483647]
#Range: > 1000
maxdistancefromworldspawn = 30000
#Min distance (in blocks) from world spawn for a colony. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 1000]
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
mindistancefromworldspawn = 0
#All configuration items related to the combat elements of MineColonies
#minecolonies.config.dobarbariansspawn.comment [Default: true]
dobarbariansspawn = true
#minecolonies.config.barbarianhordedifficulty.comment [Default: 5, min: 0, max: 10]
#Range: 0 ~ 10
barbarianhordedifficulty = 5
#minecolonies.config.maxbarbariansize.comment [Default: 80, min: 6, max: 400]
#Range: 6 ~ 400
maxBarbarianSize = 80
#minecolonies.config.dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls.comment [Default: true]
dobarbariansbreakthroughwalls = true
#The average number of nights between raids. [Default: 14, min: 1, max: 50]
#Range: 1 ~ 50
averagenumberofnightsbetweenraids = 14
#The minimum number of nights between raids. [Default: 10, min: 1, max: 30]
#Range: 1 ~ 30
minimumnumberofnightsbetweenraids = 10
#Should mobs attack citizens? [Default: true]
mobattackcitizens = true
#minecolonies.config.shouldraiderbreakdoors.comment [Default: true]
shouldraiderbreakdoors = true
#minecolonies.config.guarddamagemultiplier.comment [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 15,000000]
#Range: 0.1 ~ 15.0
guardDamageMultiplier = 1.0
#Health multiplier for all Guards. [Default: 1,000000, min: 0,100000, max: 5,000000]
#Range: 0.1 ~ 5.0
guardhealthmult = 1.0
#Turn on MineColonies PVP mode (colonies can be destroyed and griefed under certain conditions). [Default: false]
pvp_mode = false
#All permission configuration options
#Should colony protection be enabled? [Default: true]
enablecolonyprotection = true
#Independent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off inside colonies? DAMAGE_NOTHING prevents explosions completely. DAMAGE_PLAYERS, allows explosions to damage players and hostile mobs, but not blocks or neutral or friendly mobs. DAMAGE_ENTITIES allows damage to all entities. DAMAGE_EVERYTHING allows explosions to damage entities and blocks.
turnoffexplosionsincolonies = "DAMAGE_ENTITIES"
#Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (ex: vending machines)
freetointeractblocks = ["dirt", "0 0 0"]
#All configuration related to mod compatibility
#Items consumed by citizens in the Library.
configliststudyitems = ["minecraft:paper;400;100", "minecraft:book;600;10"]
#Items requested by Tavern visitors.
configlistrecruitmentitems = ["minecraft:hay_block;3", "minecraft:book;2", "minecraft:enchanted_book;9", "minecraft:diamond;9", "minecraft:emerald;8", "minecraft:baked_potato;1", "minecraft:gold_ingot;2", "minecraft:redstone;2", "minecraft:lapis_lazuli;2", "minecraft:cake;11", "minecraft:sunflower;5", "minecraft:honeycomb;6", "minecraft:quartz;3"]
#List of ore blocks rarely found magically by Miners (see "Ore Chance"). Includes the block and its chance, separated by exclamation marks.
luckyores = ["minecraft:coal_ore!64", "minecraft:copper_ore!48", "minecraft:iron_ore!32", "minecraft:gold_ore!16", "minecraft:redstone_ore!8", "minecraft:lapis_ore!4", "minecraft:diamond_ore!2", "minecraft:emerald_ore!1"]
#All diseases citizens can get. The name, how common it is, and all ingredients to cure it.
diseases = ["Influenza,100,minecraft:carrot,minecraft:potato", "Measles,10,minecraft:dandelion,minecraft:kelp,minecraft:poppy", "Smallpox,1,minecraft:honey_bottle,minecraft:golden_apple"]
#When loading recipes, generate audit CSV files to help debug datapacks or extra mods. [Default: false]
auditcraftingtags = false
#Enable inventory debugging. [Default: false]
debuginventories = false
#Turn this on if you're using this world for blueprint building and scanning. [Default: false]
blueprintbuildmode = false
#All configurations related to pathfinding
#Verbosity of pathfinding debug messages. [Default: 0, min: 0, max: 10]
#Range: 0 ~ 10
pathfindingdebugverbosity = 0
#Minimum number of consecutive rails for citizens to use them. [Default: 8, min: 5, max: 100]
#Range: 5 ~ 100
minimumrailstopath = 8
#Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. [Default: 2, min: 1, max: 10]
#Range: 1 ~ 10
pathfindingmaxthreadcount = 2
#All configurations related to the request system
#Should the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request? This is a debugging tool and can take a very long time to resolve a request. [Default: false]
creativeresolve = false