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Tags are a vanilla Minecraft feature, used to give properties to specific items (if within the tags\items directory) or blocks (if within tags\blocks directory). Item tags also used for Ore Dictionary behaviors. Tags apply a property based on the file name: \data\minecolonies\tags\blocks\concrete.json applies a #minecolonies:concrete tag to all blocks matching the Resource Locations contained within it or within Block Tags matching that Resource Location, and that #minecolonies:concrete block tag determines what materials a Concrete Mixer can mine.

All Tag JSONs operate in merge mode by default. They can instead override, removing any other blocks or items from JSONs matching that name that were loaded first. To use override mode, you must explicitly set "replace": true in addition to the "values": "" name-value pair. This "replace" name is not mandatory for merge mode, but for ease of readability, it's strongly encouraged to use "replace": false if intentionally adding to existing Tags.

The only other supported name-value pair for a Tag JSON is the "value": Name. This accepts an Array of identifiers or tags as individual Resource Location strings. These string must contain the namespace and an item identifier in resource location format, matching either a single object of that tag's type, or another Tag prefixed by the # symbol. Missing or mistyped targets may cause the file to be ignored, or for Minecraft to throw an error on world load. Use the Advanced Tooltip functionality (F3 + H) in Minecraft to turn on display of Resource Locations in item tooltips for help finding specific strings.

A typical tag file to add cobblestone and every type of vanilla anvil to a Tag would thus look like:

    "replace": false,
    "values": [

While this example works for both Blocks and Items, it's a rare exception. Block Tags and Item Tags are entirely different things, and while some Block Tags have Item Tag equivalents, many do not. Some mods will only use Item Tags or Block Tags; some items, even vanilla items, have different Resource Locations when in Item form than in Block form.

Block Tags

Block Tags are loaded in the tags/blocks directory. MineColonies reads the following Block Tags:

NamespaceBlock TagEffect
minecoloniesconcreteBlocks that a Concrete Mixer can mine.
minecoloniesdecoblocksBlocks that are not replaced by builders during construction phases.
minecoloniesindestructableBlocks that can't be destroyed. Prevents these blocks from being overwritten by Survival Build Tools, and has special considerations for colonist pathfinding.
minecoloniesorechanceblocksBlocks that which will have a low chance of dropping extra ores when mined by a Miner .
minecoloniespathblocksColonists walk faster on and preferentially follow roads made of these blocks.
minecoloniesprotectionexceptionBlocks that can be used, or alt-clicked, within a colony's protection range, even by neutral or enemy players.
forgedirtBlocks that can be used as farmland by Farmer .
minecraftbedsBlocks that can be used by colonists to rest, if included in a schematic.
minecraftdoorsUsed for pathfinding.
minecraftleavesUsed to determine eligible trees for the Forester .
minecraftlogsUsed to determine eligible trees for the Forester .
minecraftshroomlightUsed to determine eligible trees for the Forester .
minecraftwart_blocksUsed to determine eligible trees for the Forester .

Item Tags

Item Tags are loaded in the tags\items directory. MineColonies reads the following Item Tags:

minecoloniesbreakable_ore(1.18+ only) Items with this tag are processed by the smelter using fortune
minecoloniescompostablesItems that can be placed into a Composter, and give moderate compost.
minecoloniescompostables_poorItems that can be placed into a Composter, and give little compost.
minecoloniescompostables_richItems that can be placed into a Composter, and give a lot of compost.
minecoloniesconcrete_powderCrafted and placed by a Concrete Mixer
minecoloniesflorist_flowersGrown by the Florist , if they have a valid block form, at building level 3 or higher.
minecoloniesfungiItems that can be grown by a Forester on Warped Nylium or Crimson Nylium.
minecoloniesmeshesItems that can be held as meshes by a Sifter . This only allows the Sifter to use the tool, it does not add benefits to doing so. See CrafterRecipes for more details.
minecoloniesraw_ore(1.18+ only) Items with this tag, if processable in a furnace, can be processed at the smeltery
minecoloniesreducible_ingredientItems that may be reduced in cost by one, to a minimum of one, when in a colonist recipe that originally required more than one of the item.
minecoloniesreducible_product_excludedOutput items that can never have their crafter recipe efficiency improved. Most storage blocks or reversable recipes should be in this tag, to avoid possible infinite item loops.
forgecrops_wheatThe Baker can cook any recipe including an in this tag, if the output is a food item.
forgeglassAll items with this tag, if produces in a furnace from an item tagged with #forge:glass, can be made at the Glassblower.
forgeoresAll items with this tag are treated as ores by the miner, and in 1.16.5, if processable in a furnace, can be processed in the smeltery.
forgesandAll items with this tag, if smeltable into an item tagged with #forge:glass, can be made at the Glassblower.
forgeseedsOnly items with this tag are valid to set in a Scarecrow, and are planted by a Farmer.
minecraftflowersUsed by the Beekeeper to breed bees.
minecraftfishesUsed by the Fisher to render fish on bandolier.
minecraftleavesItems that Builders will place 'for free', without having in their inventory.
minecraftlogsRecipes consisting of 75% or more this tag and #minecraft:planks can be taught to the Sawmill.
minecraftplanksRecipes consisting of 75% or more this tag and #minecraft:logs can be taught to the Sawmill. A stack is stored by the Miner.
minecraftsaplingsUsed by the Forester to grow trees.
minecraftslabsA stack is stored by the Miner.
minecraftsmall_flowersGrown by a building level 1 or 2 Florist , if they have a valid block form, and are in #minecolonies:florist_flowers.
minecraftwoolUsed to by the Dyer to produce white wool, if not already White Wool.

Some Vanilla and Forge Item Tags are very expansive, or are used by some mods in ways that might surprise you. See list of tags for Minecraft behaviors.

Crafter Item Tags

Additionally, some Item Tags are used to control what recipes can be taught to a worker by a player in-game. Each worker has a different set of tags. For a full list, see here.

Item TagEffect
x_product_excludedItems that cannot be made by this worker. Overrides all other crafter Tags.
x_productItems that can be made by this worker.
x_ingredient_excludedItems that cannot be used to craft by this worker, unless the recipe product is in x_product.
x_ingredientItems that can be used to craft by this worker, unless the ingredient is in x_ingredient_excluded, or the recipe output is in x_product.json.

A few colonists have other hard-coded rules that are not dependent on tags. The Blacksmith can make all tools, swords, armor, hoes, and shields. Cook will always accept recipes for items that have valid foods as results.

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